Year of Admission to the NSW bar


Appointed Senior Counsel



  • Bachelor of Arts (Sydney)

  • Bachelor of Legal Studies (Macquarie)


Telephone: (02) 9264 6899


areas of practice

  • Alternative dispute resolution

  • Intellectual property disputes

  • Media, information & technology law disputes

  • Commercial law disputes


Angela Bowne has practised primarily in intellectual property and commercial law, with a special interest in arts, media, entertainment, publishing, journalism, science, technology, IT, pharmaceutical and medical law. She has extensive experience in alternative dispute resolution and now specialises in mediation, expert determination and settlement of disputes involving intellectual property, technology, media law, commercial law and ethics.

Angela has been listed in Doyle’s Guide as a leading or recommended senior counsel in IP in NSW. She has been a part-time member of the Copyright Tribunal of Australia, served on various intellectual property committees and edited IP publications. In 2019, she was awarded life membership of the Copyright Society of Australia in recognition of her services to copyright owners and creators.

She is an accredited mediator, expert determiner and arbitrator on the NSW Bar panels and has been recommended as a mediator in Who’s Who Legal and Lexology Index. She has served on a number of NSW Bar Committees, including chairing the Bar’s Media Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee from its commencement in 2008 until 2015. She is currently a member of the NSW Bar’s Media and Information Law and Technology Committee and its ADR Committee. She has served on several arts boards and was appointed a life member of International PEN Sydney.

Professional Organisations

  • Copyright Society of Australia

  • Intellectual Property Society of Australia and New Zealand

  • Communications and Media Law Association

  • Resolution Institute

  • NSW Bar Association

  • Women Lawyers NSW